The Friends of Love website has been updated.

What we do

  • One to One Scholarship Sponsoring
    One to One Scholarship Sponsoring
    Among those who are using local children centers, there exist some children in need for economic and psychological support including ones that need psychological therapy or have no choice but to wear improper out-of-season or bad-fitting clothes. One to One scholarship sponsoring is a form of support that connects an individual child in need of help with one sponsor. Throughout a year sponsors donate from fifty to one hundred thousand won to just one child on a monthly basis. This scholarship can be used for necessary cost of living and education. Detailed description is reported to relevant sponsors by ‘Friends of Love’. So far, warm touching hands of 27 individual sponsors and 7 groups have been reached to 604 children and students since 2004.
  • School of English for future
    School of English for future
    This school has been opened for students recommended by local children centers for 11 years since 2007. As English, a regular curriculum since 2008, is a subject that shows the highest imbalance in achievement, and has become too high a wall for poor children to climb over. ‘Friends of Love’ provides a managing system for English classes, basic learning materials including textbooks, and support money for educational activities. Also, local children centers invite volunteer teachers, who can give classes one or two times a week. An annual English camp for comprehensive testing of children is held for one night and two days, where performances of songs, dances and plays are given showing children’s enhanced fluency in English. It is evaluated that this program has positive influence on children depressed with low study motivation for English learning, and that consequently they gain back interest and confidence in English, which is considered to have good impact on their overall school lives. Under the sponsorship of ‘Mirea’., 15,149 children from 2215 organizations have been involved since 2007. Participation of Hyosung Inc. has widen opportunity to enable more children to receive benefit.
  • Children Association Camp
    Children Association Camp
    This project was launched in 2004. It is for children that have hard time building up relationship with schoolmates, or that can’t dream of family tour due to their poor economic conditions. Through this project we provide support to hold a two night and three-day association camp for all local children centers. We develop a variety of appropriate activities that require more human resources and finance a separate local center cannot afford to. Having roommates and performing leisure activities for two nights and three days can offer chance for participants to make friends with strangers and enhance their inner growth, not to mention pleasure of travels. Also, United fellowship among local children centers are also built up during this camp. It is a total of 23,521 children of 1,246 local children centers that have participated in this camp since 2004..
  • Visit Seoul Event for Local Children
    Visit Seoul Event for Local Children
    Carried out for two nights and three days in springtime of April since 2000. Children from mountain areas or country regions isolated culturally or ones who can’t think of any family visit to Seoul for their economic background are invited and sponsored for various cultural experiences including ‘Seoul touring’. So far since 2000, 1,932 children of 124 organizations have taken part in this ‘Visit Seoul Event’ for unforgettable memory of warm springtime.
  • Teacher Training / Pre-camping for Local Children Centers
    Teacher Training / Pre-camping for Local Children Centers
    A supportive project has been carried out with teachers of local children centers since 2004. This project can give a short-time break and opportunity of refreshment to teachers, who are subject to excessive workload such as protecting, teaching, preparing meals for children as the second protectors, and furthermore have to manage local children centers in addition to administrative task. Participating in diversified training programs and sharing experiences and difficulties for two nights and three days, teachers can replenish exhausted energy focusing on themselves, not children, and reinforce their competence. This teacher training program and pre-camps have record of a total of 543 participants of local center teachers since 2004.
  • Love Snack
    Love Snack
    The unopened snacks from airlines are being donated to local children centers located all over this country. From 2001 to June 2018, 16,318 children of the total 531 centers were given love snacks.
  • Distributing Donation
    Distributing Donation
    Our local children centers require plenty of items including books and materials. The items donated by companies, groups and individuals are being distributed to local children centers in an appropriate way.
  • Aid Project for Children of North Korea
    Aid Project for Children of North Korea
    This aid includes medicines, daily necessities and stationery, etc. needed in hospitals, schools, and kindergartens in North Korea. An ultrasonographic diagnostic device that had the value of 100 million won was presented to Pyeongyang Birth Center during the visit of North Korea by Lee Hee-ho. In January 2001 Changguang kindergarten was given snack bundles, stationery sets, blankets, and the Embroidery Center, embroidery, threads and cooking oils, and Pyeongyang Birth Center, antibiotics, infusion solutions, socks, and winter clothes for women in pregnancy. In addition, we had three visits of North Korea, delivering medicines, clothes, food, necessities, and stationery in January 2002, October 2003 and September 2005. In 2008 daily necessities were donated to the children living in mountainous region away from Pyeongyang city that had received benefit of focused support. In 2009 and 2010, fabrics, antibiotics and injection solutions, and in 2015 an ambulance, medicines, socks, children underwear, and mufflers, etc were provided.